Saturday, February 19, 2011

February trip to Pony Pasture - and what a trip it was

Our first post since October of last year - how embarrassing! But Ivory and I went to the river by ourselves this morning, and it was beyond spectacular. These pictures don't do it justice; I highly recommend making the trip yourself. This is Ivory and me, taken by a complete stranger - we've always depended on their kindness!:
Ivory, The Mighty James River, Pony Pasture park, and me: - Saturday, 19 February, 2011


A perfect face in a perfect frame on a perfect day!

How could we not love this?

Ivory hurt his shoulder a few weeks ago and hadn't been to the river in nearly 3 weeks! We were both having withdrawal symptoms. But boy did the Universe ever deliver a perfect day for us to return. The other dogs stayed in the back yard. Tough luck for them, but Ivory and I had the time of our lives. As you can see. 

Have a great day,


Jay and Ivory

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