Sunday, October 10, 2010

Lovely October morning at the river:

October is a lovely month in Richmond:
I never get tired of this. 

It sounds as beautiful as it looks.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Therapy Dog Picnic - Deep Run Park - Oct. 3, 2010

VCUHS CHAI Therapy Dog Picnic
Deep Run Park
October 3, 2010
(Ivory's on the right!)
(Click on the picture for a larger view!)

Friday, September 24, 2010


Lots of herons at the river this month 

The herons weren't the 
only ones fishing.  

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Suffused with joy

"Suffused" was the verb that struck me as I walked out my back door on this indescribable Sunday morning, July 4, 2010. I turned the corner from my back stoop to my front lawn and saw this:

How could anyone look at that and not be suffused with joy? So it was pile the dogs in the car and head for Starbucks then Pony Pasture. Where we were immediately greeted with this:

Seriously, can you even believe that? If you want a sight more beautiful than that you're just plain greedy. If heaven's even half that beautiful it will be beyond compare. 

So we wander down the riverbank for a while; it was ongoing. One more shot, although this hardly does justice to a day like this:

All of this before we were half a mile into a two mile hike. And it only got better. At the second beach my friend Betsy counted twenty-four dogs before they got too scrambled up for her to keep count. All playing together, running in and out of the water, as happy as could be. It's been an amazing start to the day. I'm eagerly anticipating the rest. Have a Happy Fourth,

Love, Jay, Ivory, Mackey, Max, Roux and our myriad 4-legged and 2-legged family.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Golden Jubilee

Golden Jubilee
Saturday, June 26, 2010
St. Mary-of-the Woods, IN

My entire family (except two brother-in-laws and one sister-in-law) at my Aunt Janet's (a.k.a. "Sister Pauline's") Golden Jubilee as a Sister of Providence. More pictures later.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Thursday morning at the river

What a way to start the day

Great to have my friends join me too
(thanks for the picture Bill!)

Sunday, May 23, 2010


To start with, a few from my backyard. May 23 in VA is a terrible time (in my view) to begin a blog entry (and photo album) called "flowers." Because I'm mainly interested in flowers that smell good and they're mostly gone for 2010. Except for honeysuckle, gardenias smell best of all and perhaps there are still some around. But I haven't found any. Yet. Hyacinths come first, they're long gone. Lilacs are also among the best smelling flowers and I've got some beauties but that will also have to wait until 2011. Peonies are gaudy and smell lovely but gone. For '10. Lily-of-the-Valley are also gone, and getting difficult to find these days. They smell very delicious. These roses smell a little bit; I just like having them in my yard. More later:

Sunday, May 16, 2010

These May smells just have to be smelled to be believed...

...something a blog post - to say nothing of fb - can capture. Yet. This is a pearly little white plant that I have yet to identify but smells superb: 

And the ubiquitous honeysuckle, although this is a puny specimen. I really don't know of any flower - the possible exception being gardenias, which are rarer than hen's teeth - that smells as good:
I think this is Japanese Honeysuckle - 
Lonicera japonica

Yesterday I took a four hour bike ride and smelled flowers nearly the whole time. 

Early in the year the delicious smelling flowers start out (around here) with hyacinths, but they're almost only in gardens. Lily-of-the-valley too, but you don't see that many any more. When the lilacs come in they smell wonderful. Wisteria smell magnificent also. Peonies come out and are almost overwhelmingly fragrant. But bring lots of those giant black ants. When the honeysuckle arrives, though, everything else, at least to me, is in second place. But I know where there's a gardenia the size of a mini-van and I may go see if it's in bloom. I should try to grow some. 

There are some magnolias around that smell nice too. They're gaudy and they smell a little gaudy but they're nice to have around. My neighbor has a big one.

Go smell some flowers this weekend if you're able. As the days get longer and warmer the great smells diminish.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

It smells so great in May...

Multiflora roses (Rosa multiflora)

...the flowers are really beginning to come out. And smell delicious. Those Multiflora roses are quite fragrant, and there are enormous bushes just covered with them. Pat and I went for a long ride yesterday (Sat., 5.8.10) and they were everywhere. Soon the honeysuckle (my true favorite) will be out in force and everything else will fade into the background. But right now it's worth it just for these roses. 

Speaking of things it's worth it for, just look at the way that river looked this morning. I had to rub my eyes and look twice; I could hardly even believe it was that spectacular. What a Mother's Day!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Thanks Susan!

We came across our friends Susan and Steven at Pony Pasture this morning and Susan graciously agreed to take a picture of the five of us. Since Pat and Megan also graciously agreed to allow us to bring Tyler along to the river this AM. If you've ever photographed dogs you'll know what a challenge it is to get five to sit still long enough to take a picture. 

My fb picture is (was) still one of us hiking in the snow; I felt it was time for a more spring-like theme. So we were on the lookout for a competent photographer and it was our great good fortune to encounter Susan and Steven at the river this morning.

For those of you who don't know us, that's the lovely Tyler in the foreground. Max is just behind her and Roux is the only one looking left. Mackey is under my right arm and Ivory is gazing at the river. I suspect he's looking at a duck and thinking a second breakfast might be in order. For a dog who has never missed a meal in sixteen years, he always seems concerned that the next one might not show up. And he may have to take matters into his own paws.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

First baby ducks of 2010

 Mother Mallard and five babies

First ones I saw anyway, first ones on the James at Pony Pasture. I apologize for the low quality image; I had to zoom in from a pretty long distance. When you have four big dogs with lots of energy, a prudent parent like the one shown here tends to keep her new family at a distance. 

I've also seen two turtles, one big one in the river last week at PP and one today while riding. But no pictures yet. Soon the turtles will be everywhere. And there are more flowers every day.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Brothers from Other Mothers

Ivory and Max and I just got back from what may have been our best campout ever. Thanks Alex for taking care of Roux, Mackey, Dash and Kite while we were gone!

And thanks to Jill and her excellent (4-legged, of course) hiking companions Piper and Bessie for taking our picture. Jill being the only one with an opposable thumb took the picture. My camera was being balky, I later learned, but she managed to get this shot. 

The weather was beyond spectacular; it was crisp and cool and clear and lovely. Max and Ivory were amazing hikers. In my journal from 7:39 this AM it says "watching the sun come up, this is in every sense unimprovable" and at 10:06 - about twenty minutes before we started - it says "There is absolutely no improving this weather". Just amazing. Perhaps more pictures to follow. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Only because I'm so happy about it...

...I don't know if this really rates a post. But Ivory and Mackey were playing in the backyard today and I was so startled I finally managed to get my camera out and take about a 30 second movie of it. I just loved watching this:

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My 3 favorite photography subjects:

Ivory in the snow at the river
I never get tired of any of those 3 - 
Ivory, the snow, or the river

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Words fail

A picture is worth a thousand words but words - even pictures - were insufficient to relate the flawlessness of the morning at Pony Pasture today. Here are a few pictures; I'll put up more later:

Look at that - like walking in a postcard

Lovely dogs, snow, sky

Snow dog coming down the trail

Saturday, February 6, 2010

"River" hike today:

Alex and I set out for the river early this afternoon in a heavy snow but the closer we got, the worse the roads got. And when you get close to rivers, you're at the bottom of a hill, so we bagged it and hiked to the pet cemetery up the street. One picture here with Roux and Alex: 

And one with Ivory, Max, me, Roux and Mackey:

Saturday, January 30, 2010

More dog videos & pictures, what a surprise

This is a brief video of the dogs at the deeply flooded Pony Pasture last week (Thur., 1.28.10). Now it's almost inconceivable that this was taken the day before yesterday:

Because these six pictures were taken today (Sat., 1.30.2010) during a huge snow storm - incredible:

Incredible but fun.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

A couple nice sunrise shots on a cold winter morning

First I thought all the dogs looked nice with the sun coming up behind them:

A little while later Ivory and Roux were on the trail, shrouded in fog from their breath:

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year 2010!

Just back from our first hike of 2010 - it was superb!
Max gave us a special New Year's treat - he did the entire walk off-leash for the first time in any of our lives! And hopped back in the car at the finish! Many and sincere thanks to Ivory, Mackey and Roux for helping him stay "on the path" - literally and figuratively.

The picture may not be regarded as lovely, unless you cherish the sight of the James River in its infinite number of looks, as we do. What a wonderful way to begin 2010.

I'll also for the first time (I think) post a tiny video from this morning. My videos will improve, but as you can see they have lots of improving to do.

All best, and have a superb 2010,

Jay and my four legged family.

PS Read on below this video:

(Hear the Pileated Woodpecker off in the distance?
Roux lopes past, Ivory saunters along, Mackey stands
sentinel ahead, I think looking at Max in the woods)

Here's the PS: I have many times read a book called ILLUSIONS by Richard Bach, 1977. In it he posits that if you need to read something, you'll read it somewhere, and you don't have to look for it - it will come to you. Perhaps that's true, perhaps not. There are also coincidences.

Anyway, I'm currently reading another book called The Miracle of Mindfulness by a Vietnamese Buddhist monk named Thich Nhat Hanh, 1975, more or less. You can read the full text on the web at:

So I'm taking a break from working on this blog entry and on my break I'm waiting for that particular video to upload. And I was reading that book. And the chapter I'm up to - seriously - is

"TWO: The Miracle Is to Walk on Earth"

And these are the words I read:

"People usually consider walking on water or on thin air a miracle. but I think the real miracle is not to walk either on water or on thin air, but to walk on earth.

Every day we are engaged in a miracle which we don't even recognize: a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves, the black, curious eyes of a child -- our own two eyes.

All is a miracle."

So, hey, what can I say? Happy New Year!