November had a lot of high points but one of the two best was Thanksgiving with part of my family at my brother's house in Ashland - my two sisters were unfortunately unable to make it. Nor were the older two of my five nieces but oh well. Hopefully at Christmas. I got to see the younger ones. And have dinner with them! Plus both my brothers, my Mom and Dad, Kevin's wife and her family, and a lot of great dogs and cats.
Another high point was completing my seventh Ironman (in seven years) in Wilmington, NC on November 7. And my Mom and Dad were both there! Which made things much more enjoyable.
Another high point was completing my seventh Ironman (in seven years) in Wilmington, NC on November 7. And my Mom and Dad were both there! Which made things much more enjoyable.
A friend made a nice comment about these pictures on my fb page. He said I'm smiling just as much after the race as I am before the race. Which is certainly a good goal to shoot for. But if you look closely you can definitely see I don't have quite the "spark" in the second picture. The race took me fourteen hours and fifty-six minutes so I was definitely worn down some. But there's no feeling in the world like crossing the finish line after that much time, and you certainly get a boost from that. I'll be signing up for the 2010 race at 8:00 sharp tomorrow morning (December 1, 2009) when registration opens up. The race in 2010 will begin on Saturday, November 13 at 7:00 AM in Wilmington, NC. There's no real need to sign up this early; this race won't fill up fast. But registering early helps keep me in the "triathlete mentality," gets me in a good state of mind and helps keep me there all year long.
Have a great December,

With Dad, half an hour before the start - 37ยบ!
Off the bike after 112 beautiful miles
Gorgeous day for a 26.2 mile run